10 Days Free & Easy Stay in Tokyo, Kyoto & Osaka

Explore Japan in your way! This Japan free & easy package offers you cost saving, simplified itinerary and user friendly expereience… It is more convenience for people who don't like follow group travelling and do things you like during your stay in Japan.

10 Days Free & Easy Stay in Tokyo, Kyoto & Osaka

Tour code: JPFREEEASYA2024
Travelling Price pp  
All Year Round 2024 On Request Book

Customer Reviews

December 2019
CBT are always ready with the best itinerary and value for money holidays. I would recommend their personal attention and experienced staff as well as their care and consideration for clients.
January 2018
I just had a fantastic trip with CBT Holidays organised by Eric Wang. The itinerary was fabulous and I was impressed with the professionalism and sincere care offered. would like to recommend to anyone who is interested in having a holiday in the near future.
November 2019
I would like to express my appreciation for your outstanding assistance and recommendations for the excellent China holiday we have just completed. The trip was one of the best we have experienced in many years of travel to a wide range of destinations throughout the world.